The CD I've been playing most these last few weeks (even though the brilliant Indiana Jones box set has arrived) is Omega Man.
I love it so much.
As I was listening to it, I was, at times, transported in mind to another score from that era called Psychomania, by John Cameron. (And released on Trunk records.)
I know Psychomania is a silly film, but I strangely loved it - and it's score - for years.
I'm just wondering if anyone else who is a fan of Omega Man is also a fan of Psychomania?
Dec 3, 2008-7:24 AM
Interesting connection there. I love 'em both, too.
Dec 3, 2008-1:02 PM
I know Psychomania is a silly film, but I strangely loved it - and it's score - for years.
I'm just wondering if anyone else who is a fan of Omega Man is also a fan of Psychomania?
I Heart Psychomania! But then I live in a world where silly is a component of the profound. How a film like this doesn't spell "can't miss" for the general public is beyond me; an occult yarn about undead bikers, their babes and bullfrogs? There was a bullfrog in the mix there somewhere, wasn't there? ...Maybe a toad? Throw in some earnest crooning; a hippie guitar ballad with a backdrop of The Seven Witches and I'm practically misty-eyed.
And I think it's remake proof, at least on the studio level; they wouldn't touch the "Doing the Dew", Suicide-With-Gusto thing--the key to Psychomania's bad-ass, nihilistic appeal--with a ten foot pole tipped with chunks of cursed rock. It's their loss, man.
Dec 3, 2008-5:43 PM
I Heart Psychomania!
Dec 3, 2008-6:23 PM
Holly(Member) occult yarn about undead bikers, their babes and bullfrogs? There was a bullfrog in the mix there somewhere, wasn't there? ...Maybe a toad?
Curious about the frogs (or toads? ) I visited IMDB to get more scoops:
"The only son of a wealthy old English family of frog-worshippers heads a bike gang called the Living Dead that discovers how to come back from the Great Beyond by wishing really, really hard. Hijinks ensue as the bikers kill themselves one by one and come back, ready to commit better mayhem than they ever could when alive because now they are indestructible. The story features unbelievably short skirts on all the girls; a hippy folk song about the glory of living and dying as a biker; young moms being terrorized by the Living Dead as they push prams in their go-go boots and hot pants; interior decor that inspired the makers of 'Austin Powers;' and arcane frog-worship ceremonies that ultimately lead to the undoing of the gang."
We own the soundtrack, but haven't seen the film. Me thinks we need to watch it soon!
Dec 3, 2008-8:47 PM
Micki Moreau(Member)
anyone got any links to sound clips from Psychomania? I had never heard of this one till this thread and if its as enjoyable as the Omega Man, then i want in!
Dec 3, 2008-9:04 PM
anyone got any links to sound clips from Psychomania? I had never heard of this one till this thread and if its as enjoyable as the Omega Man, then i want in!
There is a definite connection in that neither film is as good as it should be...
I love Michael "Psychotronic" Weldon's comment re PSYCHOMANIA (wouldn't Psyclemania have been a much better title?): "George Sanders killed himself shortly after making this film, but did not return on a motorcycle."
Dec 4, 2008-3:41 PM
Alexander Zambra(Member)
Had no idea about "Psychomania"; like the music samples quite a bit. Thanks for links! Alex
Jan 24, 2009-11:28 PM
Just found this today at Fingerprints in Long Beach. Thanks for starting this subject!
Jan 25, 2009-12:13 AM
I've always liked Psychomania. It's a movie you discover as a student with your friends and all have a good boozy laugh. eg the 360 pan of the mortuary revealing the dead cops is very funny.
It's an authentic bit of British exploitation rubbish, but with some sly humour and a cast that seem to be enjoying themselves, apart from George (this-is-the-final-straw) Sanders, of course.
But these days, Nicky Henson's verdict on it "A piece of shit" is probably closer to the truth... but at least he was laughing when he said it.
General Discussion:Psychomania and Omega Man
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